I need to update the docs for developing
I need to update the docs for developing locally with imports maps but if you make it work please share!
4 Replies
So in my repo I have 2 workspaces. aka 2 folders.
But I have deno.jsonc in the root of the repo.
This config works
since I have several folders on several different workspaces, my config was a bit more verbose, I simply added a ref to each folder. works for now. I could maybe have moved deno.jsonc down to the workspace level, but then I would need to set that as the base path in vscode for each workspace. This seemed liked the simplest solution for me.
🙏 thanks a lot for this report
Note: when editing in windmill, it say that it can not find the file, but when I run it it works.
But that is confusing
Yeah unfortunately I do not have a great fix for that at the moment
lsp is cross workspace
I cannot give it a dynamic import map for now