Is there any api to see the webhooks of an workspace?
Is it possible to query a flow's progress using the Rest API?
Enterprise Edition License - Use Case Clarification
is it possible to transform output from multi select so it will update fields in grid?

Is there a way to add a Firebase/Firestore trigger to the Hub?
Running Github hosted code in our flows
Connecting Self-Hosted MongoDB to AgGrid Table in Windmill UI - Need Support with Data Display Issue
Workspace settings page doesn't load
Internal: getting settings: error occurred while decoding column 25: unexpected null; try decoding as an ``Option``
I came from an older version, and I saw some reference to a v2 db model upgrade... no specific errors, but thought it was worth mentioning. I further upgraded to 1.642.0 in the hope it would fix this error, but no luck. Any idea what could be wrong?...Workspace specific tags issue

How to process the uploaded file with a python script?
event handler after a file is uploaded, but I have no idea how to write python code to bind to it.
The right-side panel of file-input showed (as attached):
No Event handlers...
Passing heavy data into the shared folder as part of the flow

Creation of accounts in the instance
Setting the number of workers
401 Unauthorized Webhook between TwentyCRM and Windmill
Schedule not running reliably

Triggering seperate flow through web hook
Writing data to external Azure Blob Storage

Issue with Extracting HTTP Cookies for Google Login and Logout Functionality - Video Attached
mcp servers