Upgrade 1.99 to 1.108
I get the following error when I want to upgrade to the new version: :
2023-06-01T17:57:36.192230872Z Error: Migrating database: while executing migrations: error returned from database: null value in column "app_id" of relation "app_version" violates not-null constraint
21 Replies
Is it possible that you have an app in the demo or starter workspace ? Could you delete it if it's not used ?
You can also do that from psql directly
I've got nothing in the demo : "starter"
What do you think the problem is?
So both demo and starter ?
And I have my personnal workspace
Is your personal workspace one of starter or demo ?
I have created this workspace
Is there a way you could go in psql and list all the app_version ?
I'm going to co to pg
Logs don't look good
Oh did you delete the admins setup app ?
I've just deleted it :/
Is there any way you could pull your workspace with the CLI and then just reset the db and push it again ?
(and do the upgrade in between)
Oh yes, I see... I can't re-create the script in the right place
Yes you won't be able to since group space is hidden from the ui
Easiest is to use the CLI to pull with --plain-secrets, reset database, upgrade, then push again
It's ok @rubenf 🙂 I fixed that with pgadmin!
Feedback about this update: prevent users from deleting these 2 scripts?
done in latest
Thanks @rubenf 🙂