Shared logic import in deno gives lsp error , though it actually works
Very minor issue, I am okay even if it is not fixed.
But just thought to share.
I can import common logic (function/variables/etc) from other scripts
When I do console.log it actually prints that value, so it is working
but it still gives error as shown in image
6 Replies
it's likely your lsp server cannot easily reach your api server
But it works for other lsp stuff, so i feel there is no problem in nginx config of lsp
part of my nginx config for lsp
That's not what I'm saying and not related
This configure client to lsp
The issue here is LSP to api
But anyway its such a nit, not worth fixing your config
yes i agree
unless i get demand for it from seniors, i will leave it
The problem is that types are not getting inferred , though it is working
Can you tell me what to check to debug this issue
lsp server need to be able to contact the api server at the same domain than the browser
can you be more detailed or give some hint like how can i check this