Retrieve and serve video from back-end script
I'd like to use FFmpeg to generate a snippet of video inside of a back-end Windmill script. What's the best way to store and return this data to the Windmill UI? I don't see a Video component available.
12 Replies
Right now you would use the html component with the <video element
What about returning the video data from the script to the UI? Base64 encoding? That's what I did for generated images.
base64 for videos is really not gonna work well
they're too big
Yeah, that's what I thought
Would slow the browser down a lot, most likely
you should use a url to a static asset service
windmill is not such one
s3 most likely would work well
Okay. I have Minio set up, but I was trying to avoid using any third-party services. Wanted to try to keep everything in Windmill for simplicity
Basic static file hosting would be helpful
For now we've judged it out-of-scope
s3 api is simple and can hardly be improved
Agreed, it's widely supported by so many tools these days.
Works great, thank you for the solution.

We should probably make it a component
I'm going to use Windmill to build a UI for my security camera recordings.
@pcgeek86 how did you use ffmpeg in windmill scripts ?
it had to be installed locally i e. cli right ?