App field validation question
Is it possible to utilize a frontend script to create custom field validations and show custom errors on screen?
eg I have 3 fields. The first is always required, and at least one of the other two fields must be filled in, but not necessarily both.
I want to be able to create a script that validates this configuration and throws a custom error/toast noti based on the completed fields.
Can this be done current state? I'm using the self hosted variant if that makes a difference here.
21 Replies
Are you thinking with the current form component or just with input, text and button component.
You can def create this yourself using button input and text.
I was thinking with current form component.
I'm not that familiar with it so can't say, but as far as I know, it's not possible. It's not documented anywhere at least.
Yea I couldn't find anything that would permit me to throw a custom toast/error.
The only thing I can thing to do is to create a separate button that does validation but even then I can't think of how to make it display an error or toast noti.
Have you checked out the "submit form"?
with that you should be able to get a toast. I prop did not read your first question good enought I was thinking inline error on a spes input. You should be able to create a toast or display an text error message as a text component around it, but not inside the (submit) form itself
I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.
Sorry i might be missing something obvious but you could connect your frontend script to the output 'values' of your form
and then for every change you validate it
you display the validation in a text field in red if there is any output
I might be missing something obvious
No but it's really obvious when you put it like that...
Still missing a toast but I suppose the red would be a sufficient substitute.
I'll try both approaches.
with ruben approch you can validate before they click send.. but maybe it will be a bit hard to know when to trigger correctly. With my suggestion you should be able to get a toast.
I think all designers would think both approaches are horrible and would like to make input field with red outlining and a red text right below it. But you should be able to get something to work
I fully agree but I didn't think that would be possible.
I imagine I might be able to find a way to combine the two approaches.
yes we should add validation per field in the json form
probably a runnable input that given the output would be able to show pretty errors on the correct field as you suggested @sindresvendby
That would be awesome.
or second solution, we open an api just for form to unvalidate a field
but I like the first approach more, it's a little bit more principled
I have lots of ideas of improvements for everywhere, but so little time ahah
If i'm understanding correctly, the suggested solution is being able to make it so that you can use a runnable to call against a field and flag it as validated or not-validated with an error under the field?
you would validate the full form
but depending on the output the error would be different
something like output could be:
{field1: "ugly input", field2: "try again"}, and it would display it exactly at those fields
Oh perfect.
a validated input would be return undefined
Issue created:
json schema form validation as runnable · Issue #2094 · windmill-la...
it could be from the runnable itself. that you have a predefined key there
but I think it's cleaner to do it as an api
we do a single displayError({field1: foo}, component) function
technically many components especially inputs could all display errors
so this would be pretty generic
and displayError(undefined) would reset it
but yeah will try a few things when I get to it