13 Replies
thanks a lot, on it
I opened https://windmill.in.control-plane.alterdomusdna.com/public/platform-engineering/07d47ee6d4ac1773b3888e70650653c3 for ya temporarily
I appreciate it!!
I can tell you work if not as much, then more than I do lol
Teh results are proof!
Can reproduce, should be easy to fix

@mateothegreat it was more tricky that I thought but it's fixed on latest
it was due to an incorrect rendering optimization for the Stepper
good work
is there a new image tag for docker yet or will that kick off soon? (I'm on k8)
are you using the helm chart ?
If yes I need to release and bump helm chart
I have my own custom image on top of ya'lls
so to add extra libs and stuff on the workers
Then you can pick latest commit
it will be built in 3mins
awesome man
every commit has an image attached to it
though more of a nit pick.. it still says input is empty while loading then before it renders.. I'll file a issue
thanksf or the support!