yawniek•17mo ago

Connection did not resolve

i'm trying to get a postgresql resource within our kubernetes cluster to work. i get a "Connection did not resolve for 5s" message back, but no other clues.
i add the full internal domain and login etc works when using psql client within the cluster
5 Replies
rubenf•17mo ago
can you bash on the worker pod and try psql from within there actually you can run bash as a normal job and try psql might need to install psql first
yawniekOP•17mo ago
that works (apt update; apt install postgresql-client) i just saw that our workers have a bunch of tags (even though the helm chart is empty), does it need a specific tag? ah, there was no native worker type works now
JRKLabs-Jeff Knorr-USA
JRKLabs-Jeff Knorr-USA•16mo ago
Can you share what you had to change? We're running into this issue too.
rubenf•16mo ago
Your probably missing the native worker like they did
JRKLabs-Jeff Knorr-USA
JRKLabs-Jeff Knorr-USA•16mo ago
Indeed we were. All is working now. 🙂

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