Connection did not resolve
i'm trying to get a postgresql resource within our kubernetes cluster to work.
i get a "Connection did not resolve for 5s" message back, but no other clues.
i add the full internal domain and login etc works when using psql client within the cluster
i add the full internal domain and login etc works when using psql client within the cluster
5 Replies
can you bash on the worker pod and try psql from within there
actually you can run bash as a normal job and try psql
might need to install psql first
that works
(apt update; apt install postgresql-client)
i just saw that our workers have a bunch of tags (even though the helm chart is empty), does it need a specific tag?
ah, there was no native worker type
works now
Can you share what you had to change? We're running into this issue too.
Your probably missing the native worker like they did
Indeed we were. All is working now. 🙂