burakakca16mo ago

Change element status/states or ui spesific properties

Can I access the states of an element, such as a form element, hide, show, active, inactive, or color, width, height, etc., within the javascript code? Can I use it with the DOM? Or https://www.windmill.dev/docs/apps/app-runnable-panel#frontend-scripts-helpers Should I add frontend-scripts-helpers as in the frontend script helpers section?
Runnable Editor | Windmill
The strength of Windmill's app editor is the ability to connect everything together:
4 Replies
rubenf16mo ago
So yes you can access the dom directly but some of those may be components outputs or maybe they should be
burakakcaOP16mo ago
How can I hide/show a text input component by frontend javascript block code?
rubenf16mo ago
You would make the text input disabled property an eval
burakakcaOP16mo ago
thank you

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