Frontend library addition and validation
Hi, I would like to add the "ajv" library as a frontend script for validation processes in Windmill. Is it possible? Additionally, I aim to apply validation to my frontend inputs one by one without using a submit form.
2 Replies
You can use ajv in frontend if it supports esm and dynamic imports
And load it from a cdn
var ajvScript = document.createElement('script');
ajvScript.src = '';
ajvScript.onload = function () {
const ajv = new window.Ajv();
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: { type: "integer" },
bar: { type: "string" }
required: ["foo"],
additionalProperties: false
const validate = ajv.compile(schema);
const data = {
foo: 42,
bar: "example"
const isValid = validate(data);
if (isValid) {
console.log("Data is valid!");
} else {
console.error("Data validation error:", validate.errors);
I tried this type of usage, but I did not get successful results. Where am I making a mistake?
The library I want to add supports ESM , but when I use the 'import' keyword in the Windmill frontend script, I get this error: 'Error running frontend script bg_1: Cannot use import statement outside a module.' Could you show me an example of adding a library using CDN?