Cant run caddy
run: reading config file: open /etc/caddy/Caddyfile: operation not permitted
17 Replies
when setting up the docker it asks and i accept
tried moving the install to a new location
We need more info to help. Are you running Windows? What command do you use? Do you run it on wsl2?
not wsl bc it couldnt start
docker compose up -d
but also manually starting it in docker
Ok. As far as I know you are the first to try it native on windows. I would recommend using wsl. I run it myself on wsl and works without a glitch.
i tried wsl but it gave the most useless error
just failed
ill try checking the log

seems like a wsl / docker issue to me. Can't help with that. try google or ask in a forum that know more about wsl and docker.
spent forever getting wsl to work

still fails
Is that wsl?
Never seen folder path wsl start with c:
thats just the windmill selfhost files

the rest start up

i changed the port and it ran but cant accesss it
yooo i changed it to 8080 and go it working
I exported my online one
how can i import it into the selfhost
try using the #ask-ai channel, it's very good for most questions.
see for importing (pusing) to a windmill instance
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