Where exactly i can add value of text-input to click-handler of button in App
I am making a simple app to start with - Add two numbers
Question is in the title.
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6 Replies
I checked the doc, it seems too difficult to know, please guide me to relevant doc page, maybe i have missed something
Little tricky but found at last how to do that, nice feature to make small apps
@ym1198 Glad you found a way to do it! Are you saying "nice feature to make small apps" as if it's quick to start having an efficient app, or as if it becomes more complex for buidling a bigger app? If the latter, happy to know what's missing
i just made only "add 2 numbers" so i am not sure how easy/complex it would be for larger applications
but it should be possible to make larger applications also
also one thing, is there any page-like feature ?
suppose one page i had some UI which will proceed me to next page , like it happens in webapps
is this possible or it is everything on same page only ?
If I get this right, 2 components can help you:
Stepper: https://www.windmill.dev/docs/apps/app_configuration_settings/stepper
-> it allows to build multi-step apps in a linear way with a validation function
Decision tree
Decision Tree: https://www.windmill.dev/docs/apps/app_configuration_settings/decision_tree
-> more powerful, have UI pages orchestrated based on conditions
Tutorial at: https://www.windmill.dev/blog/dynamic-form
And you just put your components inside
Stepper | Windmill
The stepper component helps you lay out multi-step apps, with an optional validation function to validate a step.
Decision Tree | Windmill
This component allows you to create a decision tree. The decision tree is controlled by a flow-like structure. Each node in the tree represents a decision point and can lead to one or more subsequent nodes based on specified conditions.
so in each node of decision tree, you can have one page, right ?
suppose in first node of decision tree, we have form with 2 inputs - email and password
and in next node of decision tree , if that creds are success, in next node i will show one table
so in second node, UI elements of first node will not be visible, right ?
If this is what Windmill-App offers, then Apps can be used to build powerful internal apps 👍
that's exactly how it works!