Problem with understanding Windmill pricing
i have a workspace in which we have 2 developer and we paid 20 dollor ( 10 dollor for each ) we are suppose to get 20, 000 executions but in dashboard we are getting only 10, 000.

7 Replies
What makes you think you're only getting 10k ?
the denominator is 10,000 so i think i am getting 10k
it's computing the number of seats needed
which is (number of computations / 10k)
so it's correct. You're not just getting 10k, it's just explicit about how it computes how much seats you need
can i get some notification when my number of computations is over or going to be over as i don't want my scripts to be pause bcz of pricing.
and is there some other dashboard to see the remaining computations.
you do get notifications already if you go over your number of seats
no there isn't at the moment
your computation won't pause
ok thanks for this useful information
Where might I find the overage charge when I exceed the allocation?
For example, 1 developer and perform 35,000 units in a month.
Just looking for the doco and how to calculate the possible cost.
Ah, I think i get it, just buy more seats (right??)