missing input in flow
hello everyone, i searched in the doc and in github issues, and did not found an answer for my problem, i hope it has not already been asked and i am not missing an obvious setting...
I am trying in my flow to get the result of a first step and use it as an input for my second step, but i do not see the plug button or something like this...
When i edit the script separately i have the inputs on the UI, but nothing in the flow screen...
Someone knows what i am missing ?
Thanks in advance
20 Replies
Run the first step (
Test up to a
on the top of the page), and then on the second step on the input fields, you can click on the plug
and select on the right from the Previous Result
thanks, i tried this option but the plug buttons do not appear

@loulz0r can you share your script with us so we can investigate ?
yeah sure, currently the flow is just 2 steps since i can't use the results and i was trying to debug
1. fetch data from gitlab issues
2. filter the issues if they contain a certain string
I cannot reproduce that you can't see the step inputs
can you try deleting that step and picking it again
still no inputs 😦
if i try with a inline script in go, i can see the plug buttons, but nothing with my scripts
Can you check what is the schema of that script ?
go to the script and lookup the schema
the yaml ? like this :
$schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema'
type: object
properties: {}
required: []
it seems i am missing some properties
like this :
$schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema'
type: object
type: string
description: ''
default: null
type: array
description: ''
default: null
type: object
- issues
- filter
ok, when i try to edit the parameter of the main function, the script.yaml file is not updated
how do i force the update of my script.yaml file ?
we have a new command in the CLI
you need to be on latest
wmill upgrade
and then 'wmill script generate-metadata <path>'
it throws an error : error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Invalid language
@guillaume ^
what is the command that you ran it with?
i mean what is the full path?
i'm at the root of my windmill dir : $HOME/Projects/windmill
and i've tried : wmill script generate-metadata f
wmill script generate-metadata <path> <language>
. language being go
in this case I believewmill script generate-metadata f/devops
ah let me try
oh wait no i'm wrong sorry
@loulz0r use the full path of your script
Ruben is correct, it's
wmill script generate-metadata <path_to_the_file>
path should be f/folder/script.go
with the extension@guillaume nit, we need a better error 😄
Will fix
merci messieurs 🙂