rubenf14mo ago

(sadly, I broke some eggs with the

(sadly, I broke some eggs with the change above, if you upgraded in the last 2 days and were using the "No flow overlap" feature of schedules for flows, then your schedules silently turned off). Update to latest release and re-enable those schedules to fix.
7 Replies
andness14mo ago
Would that also explain why my flow started failing with this message: Canceled: Job canceled: Flow cancelled as it was hanging in between 2 steps by monitor
rubenfOP14mo ago
no that would be a separate issue on what version are you ? Can you update to latest release and see if you can reproduce
andness14mo ago
1.277.1, I updated yesterday
rubenfOP14mo ago
yeah, update to 1.278.0
andness14mo ago
not 1.278.5? I was hit by the no-overlap bug first which had caused this flow to stop. Then when I try to restart it this happens.
rubenfOP14mo ago
sure. 1.278.5
andness14mo ago
ok So IDK if it matters, but the script which is aborted uses Python threads because it's running some very slow external tool

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