ym11988mo ago

For Approval step, how to add handler to run when it is disapproved ?

When it is approved, the next step is run as expected. But when you want to do some action on disapproval, what to do ?
5 Replies
ym11988mo ago
@Tiago Serafim @rubenf
rubenf8mo ago
you can't, disapproval stop the flow you would want to build a form with a select but that's EE
ym11988mo ago
any disapproval stops the flow ? like if i requested 4 people and there are 3 minimum approval count, first 2 approved, 3rd dispproved & last one approves will it stop at 3rd disapproval or wait till all are done ?
rubenf8mo ago
any disapproal stop immediately the flow on EE with forms you have more flexibility
ym11988mo ago
Ok, got it