Some parts of flow fails when parent_job is set
I'm currently dealing with an issue where a flow run will fail if the parent_job is set. If I don't pass a parent_job then the flow runs just fine.
Why might this be happening? Is this expected?
Here's a snippet of the step and the result. It seems like the items, which are set to the result of a previous step, are null (which they shouldn't be as the step returned results, see image below).

8 Replies
Do you have a minimal reproduction you can share with us
Yes I'll get you one today.
Simplest reproduction (step fails but flow good?) - CE v1.305.0
w/ parent_job

w/o parent_job

Hey @rubenf, were you able to reproduce on your side? I can follow up with an issue if it's not just me doing something silly
Hi @lfanew , could you share a flow exported that I can import
Ah of course. I'll DM you one here in a minute
@lfanew I cannot reproduce, the flow you sent me tseems to work