Script to hub: How to pass in Ressources?
Hey, I was thinking about publishing a python script to Hub. My scripts need a config in the form of a ressource (for authentication etc.).
I've seen how python scripts do this on the hub - they pass in a dict and the metadata states that this dict is of format "resource-<resource_type>" (also documented here:
I can't get it to work. In my Script, I go to "Settings" -> Autogenerated UI -> "Customize" my parameter, and choose a ressource type.
When I save this, it reverts back to just being an object. All other changes (like parameter descriptions etc.) persist. Could this be a bug or am I doing it wrong?
JSON Schema and Parsing | Windmill
JSON Schema is a key component in Windmill for defining the structure and validation rules of JSON data. Windmill uses the JSON Schema standard (2020-12 version) for specifying the schema.
8 Replies
You need to use a type alias
MyType = dict
def main(foo: MyType)
Got it to work now. My ressource type is called "c_ldap".
I have now found out that it works if I name my type alias exactly like my ressource type, it works. Is this intended?
Alright, thanks! During the submission process, I guess ressource type names have to be shuffled around, since they would become an "official" ressource type without the c_ prefix. This will be done by you guys?
you can also submit the resource type for approval
and you can have a resource type without a c_ during the resource type creation process
done 🙂
thanks, approved both
Thanks for the help! Submitted the other script I already had.