kimsia3mo ago

Self hosted. how to use approval or input step to manually key in login credentials?

I want a script that will perform some actions in substack. The key part is that the script needs to login as me first. I have looked at and there's such a thing as an approval step. is it possible using chromium worker and then using an approval step for me to manually key in my login credentials (which includes 2FA) then performs additional step? I am thinking like this:
input: url (or approval)

go_to_url script: it's a script to visit a login page for substack

input: username, password (or approval)

fill_in_form script: fill in the login using the previous input

input: 2FA code (or approval)

fill_in_form script: fill in the 2FA code

action script: extract the title of the page after redirected
input: url (or approval)

go_to_url script: it's a script to visit a login page for substack

input: username, password (or approval)

fill_in_form script: fill in the login using the previous input

input: 2FA code (or approval)

fill_in_form script: fill in the 2FA code

action script: extract the title of the page after redirected
i found this hub/1541/http/send_get_request step. can it act as the go_to_url script in my flow? Or i need to use with selenoid or selenium? as in this eaxmple
Suspend & Approval / Prompts | Windmill
Flows can be suspended until resumed or canceled event(s) are received. This
How to Use Selenium and Selenoid with Windmill | Windmill
We will look at how to use Windmill and Selenoid, and Selenium Wire for the
2 Replies
rubenf3mo ago
yes you can add more information (using form or your own payload) through the approval step but then yes you will have to figure out how to use chromium/selenium to leverage it also you can't have a long lived chromium instance in a flow unless that session is externally managed so it might prove difficult
kimsia3mo ago
thank you @rubenf This step in my flow
go_to_url script: it's a script to visit a login page for substack
go_to_url script: it's a script to visit a login page for substack
has input before and after before this step, i enter the selected url after this step, I enter with more information. I think i know how to pass the input from the before step into the go_to_url script step. but i am not sure how to then continue with the visited webpage and perform more actions with more input. Am I thinking this wrong?