windmill cloud region
Hey everyone, new user here.
I've recently started using Windmill. The problem I'm facing now is that I want to connect to an external API, but the provider is restricting US IP addresses. I don't want to self-host Windmill at the moment and would like to bypass this restriction as easily as possible. Any suggestions? I've tried searching through the documentation for VPNs or proxies, but no luck so far.
3 Replies
Hi @VP , the cloud enterprise offering can be on a different region (but it does start at $800/mo)
Oh, so there's no way to add a proxy or integration that uses a different IP.
It looks like the only option is to self-host 🙁 or develop the product to a level where I can pay for the enterprise version🙂
Thanks for the fast reply
You can probably add a proxy in user-land but I do not have any data on that
by userland, I mean doing it in your own code