Mysql script : issue with IN(...) syntax
Hi ! I have an issue with a MySql script. My request uses a " IN(:id1,id2,...)", and Windmill seems to use only the first parameter (in this case, id1). The parameter is a simple string with commas inside "id1,id2,id3". I ckecked if I could choose another type of parameter (array of strings perhaps ?) but I didn't find it.
6 Replies
mysql doesn't support array params
AH yes. It's a MariaDB database indeed. Is there a way to connect to this type of db ?
As long as it talks the MySQL format then windmill can
We tested several times, it seems that there is a problem with the dynamic parameters in the IN (...). Can't we pass a type string[] (or text[]) as a parameter ?
Array parameters are not supported by MySQL. Does mariadb support them as an extension of MySQL ?
No, just litteral values .... so I can't use IN () syntax I guess. I'll try another function