The Phantom
The Phantom4mo ago

Errors loading flows and apps on Windmill's Home page

Hello everyone! I am experiencing and weird issue that i hadn't before. When I create a flow or an app, it exist in db (app and flow tables), but it doesn't appears in the home page. It did not happen before, but since a few days i am experiencing this bug. Also it happened that when i access the home page, all scripts, flows and apps are not visible because the filter 'include without main function' is always true by default... not sure if this is the cause, but when i turn it off, it loads the scripts but not apps and flows. Anyone knows how to fix it?
2 Replies
rubenf4mo ago
Cloud or self-hosted ? If self-hosted did you upgrade recently?
The Phantom
The PhantomOP4mo ago
It is self-hosted, and yes, i did update recently. also I will like to add that i activated the cache from cloud flare, just before start having issues. and added some headers through Caddy to make this cache work, it looks like it is a problem with the browser in my opinion. I was able to avoid the issues installing another browser. Any additional info to understand this problem is welcome. Also, it is not recommended to implement this kind of caching solutions to windmill?

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