Flow start error "InternalErr: Err: Internal: module was not convertible to acceptable value missing
Hi guys,
I created some scripts standalone in python which work great, now i want to chain them via flows.
It is pretty basic and simpel, I am now trying to run only the first script but i get this error. Where do I look?? Can't figure out where the error comes from.

9 Replies
update windmill
I assume you upgraded this morning
we had an issue on latest
I deployed this docker setup yesterday
for 30mins
you must have upgraded it this morning
restarted or similar
just make sure to update windmill to latest
it will be solved
image: ghcr.io/windmill-labs/windmill:latest
Just pull new image?
for the workers too but yes
docker compose up -d
going to try now, thanks!
Love your product
yessss, working now!
I have another 'weird' question. I get logged out a lot of the application, when swithcing tabs or something i get back and i need to relogin. Is this a setting somewhere or my local setup?
I don't have this wth other applications and it happens in both Firefox and Chrome.
try on app.windmill.dev if you have the same issue, then give us clear reproduction steps and we will investigate