Content type: application/xml for http route
Hi all, I encountered an issue with the inability to receive XML content type for the http route. It always returns 415 Unsupported media types.
It supports text/plain, but most XMLs will be sent by services we can't control so it's not an option.
Is there any option to accept XML's?
Currently only thing cames to mind is modify caddy config to change request headers to text/plain when they are application/xml
5 Replies
we'll add it to the backlog
curious of the progress of this as I'm running into this issue also
I'm wanting to have the request sent to WM with a application/xml text/xml or application/soap+xml header. Looking to just make a rouhg-ish soap handler
on latest you can now send application/xml or text/xml and get the raw string inside the raw_string argument (
feat(backend): handle xml payload as raw_string by HugoCasa · Pull ...
ImportantAdds XML payload handling as raw strings and refactors request body conversion in
Adds support for handling application/xml and text/xml payloads as raw strings in fro...