mitzjukim5d ago

is it possible to transform output from multi select so it will update fields in grid?

slowly falling in love with windmill (am an old school jenkins user) I am trying to have some rows added/removed dynamically while running the app and have tried to connect multiconnect.result into the field selector of agrid. maybe there's a better way to do it. i wasnt able to just update the field to [{"field": item, "headerName": item, "flex": 1} for item in b.result] instead of just b.result any ideas? thank you<3
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4 Replies
mitzjukimOP5d ago
i am thinking one way to go about it is with a background runnable that will perform this. so if you have any other ideas i will be glad to learn for future takes!
rubenf5d ago
you're almost correct but columnDefs has a specific format
rubenf5d ago
JavaScript Grid: Column Definitions | AG Grid
Column Definitions define each column within the JavaScript Data Grid. Configure and update column properties individually or apply defaults to all columns. Download AG Grid v33.1.0 today: The best JavaScript Table & JavaScript Data Grid in the world.
mitzjukimOP5d ago
Hi ruben, thank you for this awesome tool. I will read into coldefs for now already worked out with bgrunner but will fix for performance.

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