Synchronize Hub Ressource types with instance throws "Error: Could not reauth"
Hi there!
We are just getting started evaluating Windmill self-hosted for a possible EE-deployment.
We are currently running version Windmill CE v1.478.1-5-g46797f072 behind an explicit proxy. Proxy settings are passed to the docker containers via env variables HTTP_PROXY=http://redacted.local:3128, HTTPS_PROXY=http://redacted.local:3128, NO_PROXY=localhost,windmill.local,,,, I can see in the proxy logs, that Windmill uses the explicit proxy for outbound connections.
Running the default Script
Synchronize Hub Resource types with instance
results in an error and Windmill Resources are not loaded. However: Windmill Hub Scripts/Flows/Apps are loaded correctly. What could cause this? Thank you!
7 Replies
are the proxy settings also passed to the workers?
Thank you for the reply! Yes, to server, workers and native-workers. The error happens more or less instantaneously - it does not appear like the application runs into a timeout.
I just deleted all containers and volumes and started from scratch for further testing. The first run of the script also successfully installs the windmill-cli and some packages but then again runs into the error.
can you try to curl/ping the target domain in bash and see the errors you get if you get any
I can reach the target URL of the Windmill Hub from within the docker container. Downloading Windmill Hub Scripts/Flows/App works. Network connectivity to the Internet/... works.
It's only the Windmill Resources that are not downloaded. (And I of course don't know if other steps of the Script are not executed and therefore something else is not working as it should)
>Windmill Hub from within the docker container. Downloading Windmill Hub Scripts/Flows/App works. Network connectivity to the Internet/... works.
How can you tell
If the proxy envs are passed to the container Scripts, etc. are downloaded, but resources are not added. If i don't pass the proxy envs neither is downloaded and the Synchronize Hub Ressource script runs into a network connectivity timeout. If I docker exec -it windmill-server /bin/sh into the container I can curl
Screenshot of the added Scripts/Flows/Apps after executing the script "Synchronize Hub Resource types with instance" (that results in the mentioned error) and the ressources that are not added:

Have to split this message into two message, since it exceeds the 2.000 character limit:
Part 1:
Just did some more testing/digging around, and managed to solve my issue but came across a suspected issue in the way Windmill or a dependency of Windmill uses the NO_PROXY envs.
Since the error is thrown in windmill/cli/context.ts
I suspected, that the error is a local issue. I however was able to successfully query the API of my Windmill server from my machine.
Results in $response.Content containing the default app theme of my test workspace
API access therefore works.
Part 2:
I then created a simple Windmill script to query a not existing resource via the API, to see if the Windmill worker can access the Windmill API.
This resulted in the explicit proxy returning an error 403 Forbidden
. The requested URL was
. The windmill CLI did not correctly use the env NO_PROXY=localhost,windmill.local,,,,
. The env contains but windmill CLI used a proxy for the connection to - the Windmill server itself.
I therefore explicitly added to the env NO_PROXY=localhost,windmill.local,,,,,
and was then able to successfully execute my test script without a proxy error. The script now correctly does not use a Proxy for connections to and throws an error Resource not found at does-not-exist or not visible to you: Not found: Resource does-not-exist not found
- which is expected, since the resource does not exist. 🙂
I afterwards executed the script Synchronize Hub Resource types with instance
which now also correctly imports the Hub Resources (additionally to the Scripts/etc. which already worked). My issue is therefore solved.
It seems to me, that the way Windmill or a dependency of Windmill processes the NO_PROXY env does not take into account entries in CIDR notation.