MySQL script: invalid type: string "", expected a boolean
I'm new with Windmill and trying execute a simple request from a connected MySQL resource:
But I get the following result:
What I do wrong?
15 Replies
hey, not sure but shouldn't it be:
also I think you have inverted your parameters even if it doesn't matter
No, the resulting SQL should be
On the same time, Explore schema works and shows correct tables and its field types, that means resource is configured correctly. I'm confusing... 🤯
i'm not able to reproduce
what does your resource look like as a json ?
it looks as if the ssl field is set as "" instead of true/false
You're absolutely correct. I don't know why it was set to the wrong value, because I used UI to configure the resource. And schema exploring works even with a wrong config.
it's likely a bug, do you have any way to reproduce this reliably ?
actually it does this everytime
I will fix, thank you for the report!
found, it's an issue in the resource type
The next problem is BigInt of id field. I'm looking for a way to interpret it as string. I know I can cast it, but maybe it's more correct way?
you will have to use mysql functions
using mysql/cast is the most correct way. Cast your string to bigint
No, I say about a conceptual BigInt problem with JavaScript. Actually, it is int64, but JS supports only int53, as a result the ID is rounding to some other ID.
I think you will have to cast your bigint to a string
It's interesting fact, but Chrome Developer Tools in raw response shows the correct (not rounded IDs). I really recommend you on the backend transform bigint to string before send the result.
And the code returns an object with
and fields
properties, and there the field id
is interpreted as string. Will try to find a way to protect it from SQL injections.Why not cast in your query in the meantime ?
Conceptually, it looks like a workaround. It's a bigint, not string, and transforming it to string should be done on another layer just for JS, which does.
I have other more complicated queries which will be difficult to synchronize, because they work good outside JS.
are you using json and JS interchangeably ?
the devtool give you back full bigint because the json format support infinitely large number, it's the js that indeed does not support it as you mention
so technically, the backend behavior is somewhat correct to not cast it to string given that the output format support it
now is that very practical given that it's likely gonna be consumed by js, probably not but it's not as clear cut as you mention it and casting it in the mysql is not a bad separation of concerns