Created by andr04. on 8/12/2023 in #help
MySQL script: invalid type: string "", expected a boolean
I'm new with Windmill and trying execute a simple request from a connected MySQL resource:
-- ? offset (int) = 0
-- ? limit (int) = 100
SELECT id from tariff LIMIT ?,?
-- ? offset (int) = 0
-- ? limit (int) = 100
SELECT id from tariff LIMIT ?,?
But I get the following result:
"error": {
"name": "ExecutionErr",
"message": "error during execution of the script:\ninvalid type: string \"\", expected a boolean"
"error": {
"name": "ExecutionErr",
"message": "error during execution of the script:\ninvalid type: string \"\", expected a boolean"
What I do wrong?
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