Created by anurag on 8/1/2024 in #help
admin context
Hello, how can i know if the user viewing an app created by a developer is a superadmin/admin. In app builders context i am not getting any such values that can diffrentiate between normal users and admins.
1 replies
Created by anurag on 7/23/2024 in #help
Color Picker and dynamic css
Hello, 1) In App builder i want to use a color picker component which will return hash value '#fff', i didnt find any component like this, is this available in windmill app builder? 2) I want to use dynamic styling for my app to add theme functionality, however i only see that it can be done with tailwind classes only, is there any way to do it with hash color coding. as i want to take theme from first use case and style my app with it
1 replies
Created by anurag on 7/16/2024 in #help
Use forms created from app builder
Hello, how do i use forms or any ui created from app builder outside of windmill. i want to use forms created in my current react project, running on a diffrent server,domain
5 replies