Sourcing PowerShell scripts from other PowerShell scripts
is it possible to register an own PowerShell Repo, like:
Register-PSRepository -Name "PrivatesRepo" -SourceLocation "https://IhrNuGetServer/nuget" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
And then use:
Install-Module -Name IhrModul -Repository PrivatesRepo
9 replies
Sourcing PowerShell scripts from other PowerShell scripts
hi, import-module is not running? or can i use this cmd?
your template suggest this.
Import-Module MyModule
Import-Module WindmillClient
Get-WindmillVariable -Path 'u/user/foo'
the last line of the stdout is the return value
9 replies
how can PowerShell returns an json array?
can you gibe me a hint, how should the follow task? i have multiple powershell scripts that getting information from different api's, each script returns a json. should i create one workflow and put each of the script there or is it better to use multiple schedules with multiple workflows?
oh each workflow is only a powershell scipt and an "store to elasticsearch" python-script.
17 replies
how can PowerShell returns an json array?
here a code snippet:
$jsonData = @{
"name" = "John Doe"
"age" = 30
"city" = "New York"
} | ConvertTo-Json
'# the last line of the stdout is the return value
$jsonData | Out-File -FilePath "./Result.json"
17 replies