Created by Frinkemon on 9/13/2024 in #help
Proxy for external Internet access ignored
Hey all! All my infrastructure is behind a web proxy. Under the environment: section of the compose file I have HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PTOXY and NOPROXY configured. However whatever wmill.hubpull uses to pull the packages from the hub seems to ignore the proxy config and tries to connect directly, which obviously won't work. Is there somewhere else to configure a proxy for external access? Thanks!
1 replies
Created by Frinkemon on 9/8/2024 in #help
Unable to sync resources with hub on new install
Hey all! I'm just starting with Windmill, looking at it to be our go-to solution for some stuff. However I don't seem to be able to sync the resources to be able to use resources such as a mysql connection. I run the script but it says "error : - name : "ExecutionErr" message : "error during execution of the script: Invalid requirements, expected to find //bun.lockb split pattern in reqs. Found: |{\n "dependencies": {\n "windmill-cli": "latest"\n }\n}\n//bun.lockb\nIyEvd..."" This is a new install. Did I already break it!?
11 replies