Julian @ 42 N.E.R.D.S.
Ansible not usable
Hi, I'm really looking forward to using ansible with windmill. But I have a showstopper for us to use it: When I read your code correct, you hardcoded the inventory file name https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill/blob/c194e124dac3b9cf261f7f504dcbc306c37ea4f4/backend/parsers/windmill-parser-yaml/src/lib.rs#L237 with an
This makes your ansible implementation unusable with dynamic inventory plugins.
in this setup i want to use an inventory file which ist not in ini format.
then you call this locally with for example
this works locally but not in windmill, as I get:
Please note: I added a custom inventory source type of plain text
format yaml
Did I miss something? Any chance the inventory:
parameter will accept something like inventory_type: yaml
or (better) infer the file extension from the resource type extension and not hardcoded?15 replies