Customazation of a required field
it is also possible to make a field required when conditions are met?As it is possible to make a field appear if it meets certain conditions, is it also possible to make a field required only when conditions are met?
1 replies
Failed to import Python Libaries
anyone else have had this problem below?
error: Request failed after 3 retries
Caused by: error sending request for url (https://pypi.org/simple/pymongo/)
Caused by: operation timed out
I´m trying to run a script in python but for some reason i can´t import the libaries of pyhton
9 replies
Are there any naming rules for the creation of a group
when naming a group, a there any namig rules?I ask this because i tried to create a group with 2 words,separeted by 'space' and it gives me an sql errror. I would like to know if there´s any more rules to follow
1 replies
Delegating a scripts to another user
I'm creating a data handler in windmill web ide. When the user is logged in, the database to which their data goes is automatically inferred via a discovery service, causing the data to go to the specified database. If a user is manipulating data at the request of someone from another team, I want that data to go to the database of the user who requested it and not to the one who is manipulating it.
In the settings of a script, in the metadata, it is not possible to delegate a script to another user (to make it as if another user was running the script) and I would like to know how I can do this in windmill web ide, using python with mongodb integration.
1 replies
MongoDB deprecation
the resourse type mongodb_rest will no longer be useful for new projects because , the endpoints will be deprecated(https://www.mongodb.com/pt-br/docs/atlas/app-services/deprecation/#std-label-app-services-deprecation). How can I adapt the scripts already created in the mongodb_rest hub to mongodb?
2 replies