Lucas Hicks
Lucas Hicks
Created by Lucas Hicks on 12/5/2024 in #help
Determining if job is suspended with API
Hi, is there a way to determine if a job is in the suspended state using the Windmill API? I've looked at the frontend code and it seems to use JobService for this, but that is hidden. Is there also a way to determine what the resume/cancel URLs are for a suspended run?
14 replies
Created by Lucas Hicks on 11/25/2024 in #help
port used for resume URLs
Hi, I've written a approval script for my flows, when generating resume urls with wmill.get_resume_urls(), it keeps generating urls for port 8080 even though my windmill server is sitting on the default port 80. Therefore, whenever I try to use the generated resume urls, it fails and I am forced to manually switch the url to use port 80. For dev, I've just got the windmill server up and running using docker compose up. Is there any other config I need to do to get resume URLs working?
3 replies
Created by Lucas Hicks on 10/14/2024 in #help
Creating flow input schema from nested JSON
No description
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