Created by illfated on 1/18/2024 in #help
Proper Powershell.exe in WSL possible?
I have Windmill running on WSL2 Ubuntu via docker-compose. I added another Worker that runs the Windmill binary directly on the WSL2 Ubuntu (as there is no Windows binary yet). I had hoped running the Binary directly on the WSL would let me get access to the Powershell.exe but unfortunately Windmill uses /usr/bin/pwsh by default which is Powershell Core and has a couple of features missing (WSMan mostly) that I need to introduce Windmill at work. A WSL Ubuntu uses the "full" Powershell.exe under "/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe". I tried adding that path as env variable POWERSHELL_PATH, renaming it, aliasing it, linking it... nothing worked. I'm thankful for any tips or recommendations how to get anything but Powershell Core running. I know Windows and Powershell dont have priority for Windmill but is there a Windows Binary planned in the future or any way to use the wsl powershell.exe?
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