Created by antrix on 12/13/2023 in #help
Manual migration update?
I've been hit by this issue when upgrading to the latest version during migration:
while executing migrations: error returned from database: syntax error at or near "TRIGGER"
I believe the reason for this is that CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER syntax doesn't work in AWS Aurora PG 13. Now upgrading to 14 is something we can do but will need much more effort and testing. Meanwhile, I've manually created the trigger. But how do I set the "Last migration version" such that the app doesn't try to run this migration again upon startup?
11 replies
Created by antrix on 7/31/2023 in #help
Confused about "writer" permission - not working as intended
So I have the following setup: a folder ops and a group named engineers. The engineers group has been given Writer role on the group folder. All members of engineers also have the Author role at the workspace level. However, when a member of the engineers group tries to create a script within the ops folder, they get the error:
Not authorized: You are not owner of the folder ops
I tried by adding the specific user direct role as Writer on the ops folder (i.e not via the group membership) but still the same result. This is on windmill 1.138.1
14 replies