Created by Bravo on 11/17/2024 in #help
for loop unresponsive in a flow
So I got a large string array (250k) and I try to iterate over it in a flow but the whole thing hangs despite what I'd assume is enough compute resources. any ideas?
3 replies
Created by Bravo on 11/16/2024 in #help
passing down maps in a flow
Is passing down objects in typescript like Map<string,number> supported in flows? Because I can print it in my script but when I pass it downwards in a flow, it's complaining about undefined
10 replies
Created by Bravo on 11/13/2024 in #help
Running a script fails when executed in a flow
Script works well when executed by itself but when I try to run it in a flow it fails:
"error": {
"name": "ExecutionErr",
"message": "ExitCode: 1, last log lines:\nODE EXECUTION ---\n\n\nwrote cached binary: /tmp/windmill/cache/bun/9e46268582653fcee6abef94b9c2ca052e4f08b82fde866ca9a4e9a337274bf5 (backed by EE distributed object store: false)\n\n\nerror: Cannot find module \"./Hero\" from \"/tmp/windmill/wk-default-7a435c2e53e7-BOW6c/0193269f-eaad-2526-a510-26edd041e261/main.js\"\nnote: missing sourcemaps for /tmp/windmill/wk-default-7a435c2e53e7-BOW6c/0193269f-eaad-2526-a510-26edd041e261/main.js\nnote: consider bundling with '--sourcemap' to get unminified traces\n\nBun v1.1.32 (Linux x64 baseline)",
"step_id": "c"
Script works well when executed by itself but when I try to run it in a flow it fails:
"error": {
"name": "ExecutionErr",
"message": "ExitCode: 1, last log lines:\nODE EXECUTION ---\n\n\nwrote cached binary: /tmp/windmill/cache/bun/9e46268582653fcee6abef94b9c2ca052e4f08b82fde866ca9a4e9a337274bf5 (backed by EE distributed object store: false)\n\n\nerror: Cannot find module \"./Hero\" from \"/tmp/windmill/wk-default-7a435c2e53e7-BOW6c/0193269f-eaad-2526-a510-26edd041e261/main.js\"\nnote: missing sourcemaps for /tmp/windmill/wk-default-7a435c2e53e7-BOW6c/0193269f-eaad-2526-a510-26edd041e261/main.js\nnote: consider bundling with '--sourcemap' to get unminified traces\n\nBun v1.1.32 (Linux x64 baseline)",
"step_id": "c"
This line in my script seems to cause issues: const Hero = require('@ulixee/hero');
10 replies
Created by Bravo on 11/1/2024 in #help
windmill cache vs redis
I was wondering if I should stick to windmill in-built cache, or use redis instead. Im working with quite a lot of data and Im wondering how robust is windmill cache mechanism
4 replies
Created by Bravo on 10/31/2024 in #help
weird dependency issue
No description
4 replies