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How does windmill handle multiple people editing the same flow and drafts?

Essentially, if multiple users are editing a flow and both save drafts, it appears they overwrite eachother on refresh?

Cannot run any script Python / TS

I've just installed a fresh Windmill with coolify on my instance. I cannot run any script in any lang. Every 5 sec I see something like this: INFO request: windmill-api/src/ response latency=0 status=200 method=GET uri=/api/w/stid/jobs_u/getupdate/019290a9-d2d9-0f6a-dcf2-72fe624f86de?running=false&log_offset=0 trace_id="9f8692a3-3894-4199-8dd8-0d37ff46e1d1" ...

PowerShell in Windmill: Data Passing Through For Loops

Looking for guidance on using PowerShell scripts in Windmill flows, particularly when passing data between scripts separated by for loops. Could anyone please share examples of how to effectively structure this flow and manage data transfer between the PowerShell scripts?| I am returning data as JSON or objects from scripts, but I can't figure out how to use it in the subsequent steps....

Creating flow input schema from nested JSON

When creating a flow's inputs from JSON, is there any way for windmill to capture properties of an object in array when its not at the first level? For example (which probably makes more sense): ``` { "testarr": [ {...
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Workflows just randomly stopped working

Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me debug this error message? ``` error: Requires import access to "localhost:40605", run again with the --allow-import flag at file:///tmp/windmill/wk-default-d4bkn-Tq3vy/01927455-1194-2bc3-eb72-649e30346225/main.ts:3:42...

Will DynSelect be supported within flows?

Hi, Currently, DynSelect functions well within the script GUI, but its behavior differs within flows. In my case, I need to allow users to select an option from a dynamic list when they use script component ( with DynSelect) during the flow design. This list of options can be retrieved from a store, a variable, or other sources. So is DynSelect be supported within flows ? if no is there another way to respond to the mentioned case ?...

GitHub OAuth

Hi everyone! 👋 Trying to setup github oauth with a self-hosted instance per It correctly redirects (302) based on my homepage url but raises a redirect_uri error...
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Mysql script : issue with IN(...) syntax

Hi ! I have an issue with a MySql script. My request uses a " IN(:id1,id2,...)", and Windmill seems to use only the first parameter (in this case, id1). The parameter is a simple string with commas inside "id1,id2,id3". I ckecked if I could choose another type of parameter (array of strings perhaps ?) but I didn't find it.

Windmill CLI - Bad Request: script with same parent_hash has been found error

I am receiving a bad request error when trying to deploy updated scripts throught Windmill CLI with the wmill sync push command. The error seems to target random scripts. Even if I leave one out of the push, it errors on another script. Here is a list of things we have tried so far. If you need any additional information, just let me know. Thanks! -- "Archive" an individual script when it gives this error. It then gets locked in a state where it still produces this error upon deployment, and also I then cannot un-archive the script because that action then also produces this error -- Deleting the folder that we're trying to push to. Deleting the folder appears like it might actually be archiving. In the UI it appears to delete all scripts, flows, variables, and resources associated with the folder. But then a subsequent push appears to un-archive it or something, because not only does the deployment fail with the same error but all scripts, flows, vars, etc. re-appear as they were before the folder deletion...
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VSCode Extension not able to access environment hosted within a VPN

Hey Team, I setup VS Code local dev environment, and it's not working with any of my self-hosted windmill instances (All of them are behind the organisation VPN, and not publically accessible), however when I follow the same process with a test instance on windmill cloud version - it works. Does the extension try to access the windmill instance configured via windmill cloud somehow? (Rather than directly from locally within the laptop). Laptop is connected to the VPN - so it should work if it was connecting directly. If the above is the case, could you share windmill cloud IP addresses we can whitelist in our VPN so the instance becomes accessible? ...

Cloud logging

Hey Team, I have a self-hosted windmill setup on Kubernetes on Google Cloud. I have workers running - and google logs explorer setup to capture the STDOUT of the worker. In the google cloud platform logs explorer I currently get the following logs of the worker 1. Ping check every 5 seconds with memory usage 2. Audit logs 3. Jobs execution stats (Running status, job ID, completed / failed etc) ...
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Latency on waiting, What's the recommended setup for workers for concurrent webhook calls?

What's the recommended setup for workers for concurrent webhook calls? I'm seeing a lot of latency, quite sparadict, I have some hot and cold workers. But it looks like the other cold workers don't awake even though we are experiencing latency on these flows
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golang execution error

hello, i'm facing an issue with my go scripts : ``` ExecutionErr: ExitCode: 1, last log lines: job=01924748-4775-bf69-3de6-06745b428802 tag=go worker=wk-default-bb6d6afc357b-HSLDe hostname=bb6d6afc357b...

Stepper Component Event Handlers

in the documentation for the Stepper component, it mentions event handlers onNext and onPrevious but I am not seeing this in the component settings in the app builder. I just see "Stepper has no configuration" at the bottom of the component settings for the Stepper. Is the documentation outdated or perhaps are those features new and I am just not on the latest version? I am on EE v1.334.0 Or maybe I'm just missing something. Let me know, thanks!...

Trace telemetry propagation from azure app insights

Hey, I'm calling a flow from a sync webhook, and I'm looking to be able to see the trace in app insights, currently it shows our service calling windmill but observability wise it's a bit blackboxy, I would like the trace to show what windmil is calling within the flow. How would you recommend setting this up?

Multiple tables with rich display rendering

Is there a way to define a name or title for each table when using the render_all rich display rendering? return { "render_all": [ { "table-col": { "foo": [42, 8], "bar": [38, 12] }}, { "table-col": { "foo": [42, 8], "bar": [38, 12] }} ] }...


i cant find the hub sync script in the admin workspace, can someone point me to it please
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How to hide a job in the runs history?

I have a schedule that runs a specific job every 10 seconds. I would like to hide this job from the runs history but not completly remove it. I read somewhere that there is an option to hide the job from the job owner but that is not what I want. To describe it in a few words, I want to have a reverse filter on a job where windmill shows all jobs except that one in the runs history. Is that possible? Thanks! P.S...

Remote script run

I've installed Windmill using Docker Compose. Is it possible to run PHP Artisan commands and bash scripts on a remote server? The bash scripts are located on an Ubuntu remote server.