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we will make it a setting on the route

we will make it a setting on the route itself but for now you can add ?wrap_body=true to the url and you will get the whole body in the "body" argument

You can have multiple SSO but we do not

You can have multiple SSO but we do not support yet showing/hiding based on contexts

MSSQL Return

@Hugo can you investigate please

Non-credential Resources

You can create your own resource types and uses it for anything. It's just a key value store where value are json object constrained by a resource type and its schema

I think I have found a bug on Windmill

I think I have found a bug on Windmill cloud, in the "schedule" tab when I click "+ new schedule" I'm automatically disconnected, and I have to sign in again

Agent workers

Hi @Chad23 , 1. yes 2. only self hosted and cloud enterprise 3. yes windmill handle remote agents. Some customers have 600 of them:

Multiple slack commands

Is it possible to create Multiple slash slack commands from different workspaces Where users from different workspaces can create their own Automation/Script/flow to invoke ?...

how does one pin the python dependencies

@Ask Inkeep how does one pin the python dependencies

Parallel on shared worker

You can't have that and use parallelism on branches

trying out

Since this is my first encounter with I’m thinking of trying it out for my own personal use case I have a monthly housekeeping task where I need to download pdf from my digital invoices from the emails Upload the pdf to google drive...

apache iceberg / asset view

Hi @kimsia , you're correct that right now dagster focus on assets while windmill focus on compute. One way to see it is that windmill is lower level than dagster and you can build your own asset abstraction on top of it. We emphasize using object stores such as S3 by passing pointers/reference to it as input or output. When doing that, you can preview parquet files directly in the ui and cache based on etags. The asset view is an abstraction on top of that we will build based on apache iceberg later but for now some of it you will have to decide for yourself. On the other hand, windmill is a lot more performant and flexible than dagster with respect to execution...

how do I share logic between scripts

@Ask Inkeep how do I share logic between scripts

how do I get and set custom flow states

@Ask Inkeep how do I get and set custom flow states

No concurrency limits is the right way

No concurrency limits is the right way to do it. WDYM by none of them will actually execute ?

Is there a way to create a form that can take a variable number of arguments?

Hi @paul , if you can write the schema as a result of the last job, we can add support for picking it up from there

any recommendations for python scripts

any recommendations for python scripts throwing "RuntimeError: can't start new thread"? i thought about reducing the number of workers on each server (some have 8). but maybe there is a better way like increasing limits?

I'm working on using windmill as our

I'm working on using windmill as our platform for all integrations of our ERP with external APIs. We need to integrate with stripe for credit card processing. We want to use the stripe checkout form, which means redirecting to their URL after running some code to create the checkout session. I built a script that is triggered at this URL: With token-in-query, I should be able to just hit this from a link in the browser. But since I do not have access to the response object in that typescript function, I do not see how I can redirect to the URL for the stripe checkout. Is there a way to get access to the response object so I can do a redirect?...

Hi, I have a script that is suddenly

Hi, I have a script that is suddenly failing quite often with the error
ExecutionErr: error during execution of the script: process terminated by signal: Some( 9, ), stopped_signal: None, core_dumped: false...

Hi, I think the ActiveDirectory module

Hi, I think the ActiveDirectory module is only available on windows and can't be installed on other platforms. Depending on what your need is, you might find alternative modules available on PSGallery (e.g. AzureAD)