Is it possible to have a for or while
Is it possible to have a for or while loop in a flow that feeds the result of the previous iteration into the next iteration?
I basically have a list of transformations to apply on the initial input data. Each iteration takes the previous result and applies the next transformation....
ok I see it in the logs when the worker
ok I see it in the logs when the worker starts up: init_bash: Some("pwsh -Command 'Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted' \n pwsh -Command 'Install-Module Posh-SSH -Repository PSGallery -Verbose -Force'")
you're missing a library, need to use init script or modify the image
you're missing a library, need to use init script or modify the image. you can @Ask Inkeep about it
I have a Powershell script that returns
I have a Powershell script that returns data that I convert to Json. However when I "Write-Host $results" all that appears in the results window is a single "]". Any thoughts?
@LucasTheWalter feel free to reach out
@LucasTheWalter feel free to reach out to me, we have windmill deployed in space and remote oil rigs so I've seen a lot of setups 🙂
Hi, yes, I was figuring out how I did it
Hi, yes, I was figuring out how I did it. As far as I remember, I installed the tailscale on the host machine, and it worked. As a proof of concept, I run the
one click install from Caprover, and on my local machine, I run a
along with the original docker-compose from Windmill, that way I could run GPU workers on my local machine that connected to the remote WM server.Versioning + DAG order of execution
1) the api is versionned but our api viewer/explorer only display the current/last one
2) yes
3) there is a top left toggle that says "dataflow" to see the dataflow...