@Lysanleo on EE we have a new way to use
@Lysanleo on EE we have a new way to use local codebases which use a bundler under the hood
@Alper we expose prometheus metrics and
@Alper we expose prometheus metrics and those should be inferrable from those but note that this quarter we are working on a big push to observability which those kind of alerts would be part of
can you try on another smaller workspace
can you try on another smaller workspace to see if it's workspace specific
Is it possible to have a for or while
Is it possible to have a for or while loop in a flow that feeds the result of the previous iteration into the next iteration?
I basically have a list of transformations to apply on the initial input data. Each iteration takes the previous result and applies the next transformation....
ok I see it in the logs when the worker
ok I see it in the logs when the worker starts up: init_bash: Some("pwsh -Command 'Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted' \n pwsh -Command 'Install-Module Posh-SSH -Repository PSGallery -Verbose -Force'")
you're missing a library, need to use init script or modify the image
you're missing a library, need to use init script or modify the image. you can @Ask Inkeep about it
I have a Powershell script that returns
I have a Powershell script that returns data that I convert to Json. However when I "Write-Host $results" all that appears in the results window is a single "]". Any thoughts?
@LucasTheWalter feel free to reach out
@LucasTheWalter feel free to reach out to me, we have windmill deployed in space and remote oil rigs so I've seen a lot of setups 🙂