Can the approval process be done with another workflow?
I need such a solution for the following reason: the part of the flow before approval will iterate like a loop. When I place a branch, I need to rerun the flow and manually access the result each time. What I'm planning to do is to use two flows. One will constantly monitor the status (to be placed within schedules), and the other flow will be waiting until the desired result is received. When the desired result is obtained, it will complete its task. I'm trying to organize a multi-step form. To explain it on an example, the data related to these steps will be dynamically checked in the database. For instance, the user will have one week to fill out this form, and within that week, this checking process will occur continuously. For example, it will run every 5 minutes, and if all the steps of the form are completed flawlessly, it will grant approval for the main flow to proceed.
10 replies
Can the approval process be done with another workflow?
I couldn't find an answer to my question. I think I didn't ask the question very clearly. What I'm looking for is automatic approval. I have an approval step in my flow, and I want it to decide whether the flow should continue or not based on a script check. Is this possible?
10 replies
Frontend library addition and validation
The library I want to add supports ESM , but when I use the 'import' keyword in the Windmill frontend script, I get this error: 'Error running frontend script bg_1: Cannot use import statement outside a module.' Could you show me an example of adding a library using CDN?
5 replies
Frontend library addition and validation
var ajvScript = document.createElement('script');
ajvScript.src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ajv/dist/ajv.bundle.js';
ajvScript.onload = function () {
const ajv = new window.Ajv();
const schema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: { type: "integer" },
bar: { type: "string" }
required: ["foo"],
additionalProperties: false
const validate = ajv.compile(schema);
const data = {
foo: 42,
bar: "example"
const isValid = validate(data);
if (isValid) {
console.log("Data is valid!");
} else {
console.error("Data validation error:", validate.errors);
I tried this type of usage, but I did not get successful results. Where am I making a mistake?
5 replies