Created by mitzjukim on 2/20/2025 in #help
postgresql dynamic params
yeah without quotes i was able to utilize params e.g. WHERE user_id = $1::INT; i'll try to wrap my head around it. Jenkins groovy dsl is way worse lol 😄
5 replies
Created by AntPruve on 2/14/2025 in #help
Connecting Self-Hosted MongoDB to AgGrid Table in Windmill UI - Need Support with Data Display Issue
@AntPruve my 5c It would be easier to read/reconstruct later if you return an object pre-built with data rather than build it when returning (i.e. response = {"columndefs etc"}; return response} also try mocking a working response before transforming into one so you can eliminate the point of failure in this flow.
8 replies
Created by mitzjukim on 2/17/2025 in #help
is it possible to transform output from multi select so it will update fields in grid?
Hi ruben, thank you for this awesome tool. I will read into coldefs for now already worked out with bgrunner but will fix for performance.
5 replies
Created by mitzjukim on 2/17/2025 in #help
is it possible to transform output from multi select so it will update fields in grid?
i am thinking one way to go about it is with a background runnable that will perform this. so if you have any other ideas i will be glad to learn for future takes!
5 replies