Synchronize Hub Ressource types with instance throws "Error: Could not reauth"
Part 2:
I then created a simple Windmill script to query a not existing resource via the API, to see if the Windmill worker can access the Windmill API.
This resulted in the explicit proxy returning an error
403 Forbidden
. The requested URL was
. The windmill CLI did not correctly use the env NO_PROXY=localhost,windmill.local,,,,
. The env contains but windmill CLI used a proxy for the connection to - the Windmill server itself.
I therefore explicitly added to the env NO_PROXY=localhost,windmill.local,,,,,
and was then able to successfully execute my test script without a proxy error. The script now correctly does not use a Proxy for connections to and throws an error Resource not found at does-not-exist or not visible to you: Not found: Resource does-not-exist not found
- which is expected, since the resource does not exist. 🙂
I afterwards executed the script Synchronize Hub Resource types with instance
which now also correctly imports the Hub Resources (additionally to the Scripts/etc. which already worked). My issue is therefore solved.
It seems to me, that the way Windmill or a dependency of Windmill processes the NO_PROXY env does not take into account entries in CIDR notation.9 replies
Synchronize Hub Ressource types with instance throws "Error: Could not reauth"
Have to split this message into two message, since it exceeds the 2.000 character limit:
Part 1:
Just did some more testing/digging around, and managed to solve my issue but came across a suspected issue in the way Windmill or a dependency of Windmill uses the NO_PROXY envs.
Since the error is thrown in windmill/cli/context.ts
I suspected, that the error is a local issue. I however was able to successfully query the API of my Windmill server from my machine.
Results in $response.Content containing the default app theme of my test workspace
API access therefore works.9 replies
Synchronize Hub Ressource types with instance throws "Error: Could not reauth"
I can reach the target URL of the Windmill Hub from within the docker container. Downloading Windmill Hub Scripts/Flows/App works. Network connectivity to the Internet/... works.
It's only the Windmill Resources that are not downloaded. (And I of course don't know if other steps of the Script are not executed and therefore something else is not working as it should)
9 replies
Synchronize Hub Ressource types with instance throws "Error: Could not reauth"
Thank you for the reply! Yes, to server, workers and native-workers. The error happens more or less instantaneously - it does not appear like the application runs into a timeout.
I just deleted all containers and volumes and started from scratch for further testing. The first run of the script also successfully installs the windmill-cli and some packages but then again runs into the error.
9 replies