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Hello, I've been struggling with the validation process within the form. When I try to use the submit form component, the script is limited. For example, I can provide simple options for select components. What I really want to do is to display a list of data that can be selected from the database (e.g., names of countries). When I place the components separately without using the submit form, I solve this step with a background runnable. However, in this case, I cannot set up validations. Do yo...

How to write windmill variables from scripts

I have to do a task from the point which i store in a variable then save new point in that variable and this task going on in a Schedules i write a script to do that task i import variable (await wmill.getVariable('u/aXXX/id)) but i can't write it back as the script run ...

How to handle a paginated graphQL request?

Hello, I have been really enjoying using windmill and I figure I am missing something but how should I handle paginated graphQL requests? I have a a graphQL request which takes a "first" prop to make paginated requests and I have used a while loop in the past to keep fetching pages until I retrieved all necessary records. However, I am unsure how to do it the Windmill way. To be clear, this is being used for a data pipeline so all the data needs to be fetched and processed so I need to paginat...

Getting ExecutionErr for lightweight flows run by schedule

ExecutionErr: error during execution of the script: process terminated by signal: Some( 9, ), stopped_signal: None, core_dumped: false ...

Accessing dropdown data in select component

I connected the data of country names from Supabase to a select component on the Windmill app. I can select any country on the select component, but I cannot access this data. It shows 'undefined' in the result section. What should I do?

Frontend library addition and validation

Hi, I would like to add the "ajv" library as a frontend script for validation processes in Windmill. Is it possible? Additionally, I aim to apply validation to my frontend inputs one by one without using a submit form.

Internal server error when using ai code generator

I tried using the ai generator in the runnable editor and get this error: Failed to generate code: Internal Server Error In the logs, it says: ERROR request: windmill_common::error: error="Internal: Embeddings db not initialized" Is there some sort of embeddings db I need to set up? I might've missed it in the docs, but I didn't see it mentioned specifically on either...

Infer Type Unreachable

I'm attempting to migrate from a self-hosted windmill instance to Windmill Cloud. I installed the wmill CLI and pulled the files from the self-hosted install; however, when I attempt to push the files in wmill Cloud, I get the attached error message: error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: infer type unreachable throw new Error("infer type unreachable"); ^...

Loop over all items in previous result and write each as a (postgres) db in flow

Hi, can anyone please share any examples or hints for looping over a number of objects (like 5k+) in the previous result and writing each as a row in a db? I can of course link the inputs in my inline postgresql flow action to each item like results.b.reports[0].someValue but that will insert only the one row for reports[0]. I would like to repeat this and insert a row for as many objects as exist....

Passing custom argument to deno CLI

Hi there ! I'm currently using windmill to synchronize data between database using some deno typescripts. Some API I'm posting on just changed their SSL Certificate a few days ago and I'm having this issue during the runtime :...

OIDC/proxied authentification support. Custom components (Svelte/Vue/React)

Hello! I'm really interested in your service! I read through the docs section on your website and I guess I may have overlooked answers to the questions I'd like to ask. If so, I apologise and would be grateful if you give me the right directions. As for the questions, can you please tell me whether Windmill can integrate or provide me with settings to the following services: 1. OpenID Connect. If there is no OIDC support is there a way for me to introduce a proxied authentification to my project? 2. Is it possible for me to create a brand-new custom component (using Svelte/Vue/React)? Or is there a way to customize your existing built-in components using the librararies or frameworks I mentioned earlier?...

Manual migration update?

I've been hit by this issue when upgrading to the latest version during migration:
while executing migrations: error returned from database: syntax error at or near "TRIGGER"
I believe the reason for this is that CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER syntax doesn't work in AWS Aurora PG 13. Now upgrading to 14 is something we can do but will need much more effort and testing. ...

OAuth Access Token does not renew automatically

I have a resource that refuses to renew its access token automatically, I am fetching it within a script using await wmill.getVariable('***') . The error I am getting in the script is as follows ```javascript ExecutionErr: ExitCode: 1, last log lines: 211 | const workspace = getWorkspace(); 212 | try {...

Change element status/states or ui spesific properties

Can I access the states of an element, such as a form element, hide, show, active, inactive, or color, width, height, etc., within the javascript code? Can I use it with the DOM? Or Should I add frontend-scripts-helpers as in the frontend script helpers section?

Is it possible to import functions from workspace scripts inside Background runnables?

One (probably stupid) question - is it possible to import functions from workspace scripts inside Background runnables? The same import works in other workspace script, but results an error when added to background runnable: ``` --- PYTHON CODE EXECUTION --- ...

Chartjs options not working

Hi, do chartjs options actually work? I'm trying to scale the x axis properly (I have dates on the x axis). Specifying the "options" seems to have no effect. I'm trying to use following options: ``` { "scales": { "x": {...

Does windmill support routable pages or extracting params from URL?

For example if I have an ID of some object and I want to make a view for that object can I somehow make a URL for that dedicated view?

i am facing an issue in get webhook when parsing a query parameter

include_query=hub.mode,hub.challenge the query variable are hub.mode and hub.challenge but i cant use this in script as a syntax error export async function main(hub.mode,hub.challenge) { -----> this give syntax eror...

Working with (CSV) file output and python in scripts/workflows

Hello, I am working with an API that returns a large JSON response (like ~2MB). I am doing some transformation in python but then I want my python script to return this as a CSV file object (for use in a workflow step - to email or put in S3 bucket etc) which is proving a bit challenging for me. Is this achievable and if so, could anyone please share an example or pointer for how to have a python script return a (CSV) file? Thanks in advance!...

Search by component

I thought the search on the table component search all columns, but did not do any kind of lowercase or fuzzy search, just match on each prefix of the word in the columns. But now I have a job with "a lot" of rows (500) and cols (30). And the search do not hit what I expect it to hit.
I search "Breakfast" that is in the a column called "Title" but I get no hit on exast match....