what are you afraid of ? Windmill is
what are you afraid of ? Windmill is very secure and has a tight permissioning model
I think about adding real time capabilities to a web app.
The app is independent and not built with windmill. The data it uses is originating from windmill data pipelines though.
What i want: a websocket connection for app clients that subscribe to certain events and windmill pushing changes once data got updated....
[2m2023-11-28T12:49:36.633916Z[0m [
[2m2023-11-28T12:49:36.633916Z[0m [32m INFO[0m [1mrequest[0m: [2mwindmill_api::tracing_init[0m[2m:[0m response [3mlatency[0m[2m=[0m406 [3mstatus[0m[2m=[0m200 [2m[3mmethod[0m[2m=[0mGET [3muri[0m[2m=[0m/api/w/motaword/embeddings/query_resource_types?text=given%20an%20array%20of%20projects%20and%20a%20single%20project%2C%20remove%20the%20single%20project%20from%20the%20projects%20array%20by%20project%20ID&limit=3 [3musername[0m[2m=[0m"oytun" [3memail[0m[2m=[0m"oytun@motaword.com" [3mworkspace_id[0m[2m=[0m"motaword"[0m
Now I use the VSCode extension dev
Now I use the VSCode extension dev locally.
I want to create a file to store TS types.
I don't want to put the logic code and TS types in the same file.
It's not easy to read the logic code....
So what do you mean by a flow? Normally
So what do you mean by a flow? Normally you would use the resource type as a input to a script in the flow.
Does that answer your question?...
OpenAI DevDay, Opening Keynote
Watched OpenAI DevDay Keynote now. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9mJuUkhUzk) Impressive stuff. Have some thoughts about how it can be used in windmill
Getting Started - devenv
Nix set ups are usually spread across a few different files (package definition for backend and frontend, module definition and flake.nix which pulls it all together) You can also layer on stuff like https://devenv.sh/getting-started/ for repeatable and cached development environments as well if you like which would add a few more.
How about I create all this stuff in my fork and then you can see what you think about the extra load?...
curious about how do people handle
curious about how do people handle python dependencies when running python wmill scripts locally? struggling to figure out a good pattern in folders that have several python scripts
Flow loop
i currently have a flow with a single step. it's a python script that does some parallel processing:
1. fetch n entries from a database
2. in parallel process a long running task for each of the n entries
i'd like to split the script into multiple smaller parts and use the flow loops or branches for that, but i'm not sure how that works with a dynamic number of parallel branches. any ideas?...
but you can even type it with TypedDict or ask ai to generate for you, or click +Type to have it be generated for you...
mongodb = dict
mongodb = dict