in EE, you can soon export the job logs
in EE, you can soon export the job logs to datadog, loki, but even clickhouse would work great
thank you
thank you
do you have any recommendations for a tool to create a front end
i am only used to making static pages but now i need a page with log in that is personalized to the account
but everything i see is too simple or too complex, something that i can run and host locally but set up with a tool like windmill...
Hello @Rory , we will fix the
Hello @Rory , we will fix the multiselect coloring right away. Dynamic enums are a todo for us, should be available this week or the next
Hey folks! Airplane widow here, is there
Hey folks! Airplane widow here, is there any way to format the result of a script as a table instead of just json? 🙏
I want to import a python dependency
I want to import a python dependency directly from a gitlab repo using a deploy token:
Hi, I'm trying out Windmill for
Hi, I'm trying out Windmill for orchestrating our analytics workflows, and as part of that I tried porting some existing code. The code interfaces with Clickhouse, so I have a small shared component for running Clickhouse queries. For simplicity say my
module depends the shared
module. I got this working fine, but then I was going to write script2
which also uses the shared
module, and as part of that I added a dependency to shared
After doing that I noticed that the schedule that is invoking script
is failing with the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'clickhouse_driver'". "clichouse_driver" is the module I added to shared
To me it appears that the automatic module installation doesn't notice that the upstream shared
dependency has had a dependency change so when it attempt to run script
it doesn't run pip install and as a result this fails....docker registry
so you would probably need to publish it to a locally (to the pod) available container registry
what are you afraid of ? Windmill is
what are you afraid of ? Windmill is very secure and has a tight permissioning model
I think about adding real time capabilities to a web app.
The app is independent and not built with windmill. The data it uses is originating from windmill data pipelines though.
What i want: a websocket connection for app clients that subscribe to certain events and windmill pushing changes once data got updated....
[2m2023-11-28T12:49:36.633916Z[0m [
[2m2023-11-28T12:49:36.633916Z[0m [32m INFO[0m [1mrequest[0m: [2mwindmill_api::tracing_init[0m[2m:[0m response [3mlatency[0m[2m=[0m406 [3mstatus[0m[2m=[0m200 [2m[3mmethod[0m[2m=[0mGET [3muri[0m[2m=[0m/api/w/motaword/embeddings/query_resource_types?text=given%20an%20array%20of%20projects%20and%20a%20single%20project%2C%20remove%20the%20single%20project%20from%20the%20projects%20array%20by%20project%20ID&limit=3 [3musername[0m[2m=[0m"oytun" [3memail[0m[2m=[0m"" [3mworkspace_id[0m[2m=[0m"motaword"[0m
Now I use the VSCode extension dev
Now I use the VSCode extension dev locally.
I want to create a file to store TS types.
I don't want to put the logic code and TS types in the same file.
It's not easy to read the logic code....