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How can I set the state of an app inside a fetch script?

I'm trying to use a fetch script, and then with the result store it in the state. How can I store it and then use it later?

Is there a way to run windmill under a subpath?

I'm trying to run windmill behind traefik at a subpath like /apps This dosen't work however, because the client tries to load the javascript at /_app/* instead of /admin/_app/*...

Init script playwright

Windmill EE v1.304.3 I want to install playwright via the interface but playwright doesn't seem to install. I tried the example here: but that doesn't work either. Init Script:...

Some parts of flow fails when parent_job is set

I'm currently dealing with an issue where a flow run will fail if the parent_job is set. If I don't pass a parent_job then the flow runs just fine. Why might this be happening? Is this expected? Here's a snippet of the step and the result. It seems like the items, which are set to the result of a previous step, are null (which they shouldn't be as the step returned results, see image below)....
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Trying to install binaries using the INIT_SCRIPT is not working (apt-get or apk add?)

I am trying to use an init script that install poppler. I add the following to the windmill_worker under the environment section: INIT_SCRIPT="apk update && apk add --no-cache poppler-utils" I get this error: {"message":"ExitCode: 127, last log lines:\n./ line 2: apk update && apk add --no-cache libmagic poppler-utils glib libgl: command not found","name":"ExecutionErr"}...

Deadlock and "was unable to make the last transition"

I'm running EE v1.303.4. There's this flow that only uses the REST scripts, one of them is a call to OpenAI's chat completion cached by Clouflare. I noticed that when testing this flow with the results already cached by Cloudflare, they return almost instantly, and the the flow executes very fast with the errors in the screen shot. I did not even set the error handler and the it shows up with the error message InternalErr: Sql error: error returned from database: deadlock detected. In the console I only see the same error as in the UI: Flow 018eb3b7-2601-ffbd-c7c0-72933c171ae7 cancelled as one of the parallel branch 018eb3b7-2655-648a-161f-c4cb1314d5e9 was unable to make the last transition Since it's on my dev machine, I don't think it's related to lack of compute resources. This happens even with lower values of parallelism in the forloop such as 5....
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can not run python code

Hi, first thanks for the hard work, I like the concept of the windmill I just spin up the windmill on my mac use docker compose, try run some python code, seems error from windmill generated code? how can i fix this error...
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Syncing a whole existing folder with scripts and shared logic

I want to take a folder (from a non-Windmill project) with index.ts, package.json and a bunch of *.ts files, and sync it to Windmill into a folder, so I could automate it on the Windmill Cloud side. I'm getting errors akin to: 1.) ... *.ts invalid, it cannot be parsed to infer schema. 2.) ... *.script.yaml: Error: Failed to generate lockfile. Status was: Internal Server Error, timeout after 20s, SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'i', "timeout after 20s" is not valid JSON...

Recommended pattern for managing resource permissions

Is there a recommended pattern for, say, having a database resource, which is used by scripts. The scripts themselves are in a folder which gives View access to operators. Is there a way to give the operators access to run the scripts against the database resource, without giving them the ability to view the database resource secrets?...

Enable S3 Log Streaming

Hi... how do I enable S3 log streaming for worker logs? I have an S3 resource set up but logs are still only written to the worker local storage. I'm on EE 1.300

Default login not working on first login

I set up a new Windmill instance using the docker-compose setup and upon first login using the default login credentials /user/login? it throws Invalid credentials I have tried recreating the database ``` drop database windmill; create database windmill;...

Slack Bot Development in Windmill

Hi, wanted to ask how feasible it would be to develop Slack App behavior solely with Windmill. Most behavior could be set up nicely and leverages Flows, but it looks like deployment of apps to Slack ( would be hard to achieve.

Nginx Proxy Manager

Hi, is there any way to set up a Docker container using Nginx Proxy Manager to serve as a reverse proxy? Has anyone tried setting up a container in this manner? I suppose I should remove Caddy from the Docker Compose file?

Setting content-type in S3 File Uploader

Hey! Is it possible to set a content-type for the uploaded file in the S3 File Uploader? If that property isn't set, everythig defaults to application/octet-stream, which I need to override. If it's not possible, I'll need to put together a Script to use the S3 API to set the content-type after the file is already uploaded, but that's far from ideal. Any help would be much appreciated!...

Get parameters of a run through logs

Hello, is there a way to get input parameters of any given run purely through logs (not UI)? From what I can tell, the audit logs don't show input parameters and there doesn't seem to be any other logs that that do.

Trouble on CaddyFile c/o Domaine Name

Hey, i've trouble to change my domain name config in CaddyFile c/o Docker. I'm on a alma linux distro. Should someone help me for a bit ?

Logging in Python Script

Hi there, I developing some python scripts. I'm wondering if there is a standard way of handling logs. I would like to use the default "logging" library and configure the log output in the windmill ui. Passing the log level as a script parameter would work, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution.

Forwarding Audit Logs

Hi, Is there a way to forward the audit logs on a self hosted Windmill setup? We are using Splunk to monitor our infrastructure and keeping Windmill's logs in there is a necessary requirement. Thanks in advance 🙂...

Restoring deleted scripts

Is there a way to restore a deleted script in a workspace that still exists?