Forwarding Audit Logs
Restoring deleted scripts
GitHub PR's between workspaces showing merge conflicts
VS code extension returns an error when pushing changes
wmill sync push
, I get the following error:
Server failed. Unprocessable Entity: Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: lock: invalid type: string "certifi==2024.2.2\ncharset-normalizer==3.3.2\nidna==3.6\nrequests==2.31.0\nurllib3==2.2.1", expected a sequence at line 1 column 1816
Error details of: Generic Error...Trying to run GraphQL script with windmill TS client throws error
Database migration error during upgrade
OpenAI Function Calling with Windmill Actions
Connect to AWS from Windmill Agent installed in e2 instancs running on Ubuntu.
Syncing Resource Types
AgGrid - rowGroup (columnDef)
rowGroup: true
rowGroup: true
AMI in Terraform template doesn't exist
but the AMI does not exist
Specifically on this line:
Error: creating Auto Scaling Group (windmill-cluster-asg): ValidationError: You must use a valid fully-formed launch template. The image id '[ami-09c0b8e7f21923ac0]' does not exist...Error when trying to deploy a script from one environment to another
Sending email with SMTP and Deno, with InReplyTo headers failing
in the header name.
Any other ideas as to how I should do sending email?
I'm using the following code currently, or trying to:...Whitelisting IPs correctly for RDS proxy connection?
A way to give more space between condition branch?
Support for alternative OpenAI base URLs (Azure OpenAI service)
GraphQL schema length causes token limit to be exceeded
Playwright timeout error
to get a screenshot of the page and it's fully loaded but I still get the timeout error.