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Forwarding Audit Logs

Hi, Is there a way to forward the audit logs on a self hosted Windmill setup? We are using Splunk to monitor our infrastructure and keeping Windmill's logs in there is a necessary requirement. Thanks in advance 🙂...

Restoring deleted scripts

Is there a way to restore a deleted script in a workspace that still exists?

GitHub PR's between workspaces showing merge conflicts

Hi Team, We are running into an issue on windmill regarding GitHub PR's. We have windmill setup in a way where deploying in the staging workspace will create a PR on github to update apps on the prod workspace. The issue is that anytime we deploy on staging, the PR generated will mark any changes made on the yaml file as a merge conflict (even though those changes are the updates we are making). Do you have any insight on what could be causing this?...

VS code extension returns an error when pushing changes

I have a little issue when trying to use the Windmill extension on VS Code. When I pull, everything works fine. I modify a script, but when I use the command wmill sync push, I get the following error: ``` Server failed. Unprocessable Entity: Failed to deserialize the JSON body into the target type: lock: invalid type: string "certifi==2024.2.2\ncharset-normalizer==3.3.2\nidna==3.6\nrequests==2.31.0\nurllib3==2.2.1", expected a sequence at line 1 column 1816 Error details of: Generic Error...

Trying to run GraphQL script with windmill TS client throws error

Hi there, trying to run a windmill GraphQL script from another TS script via the windmill TS client but I'm encountering an issue. There's not much documentation on the TS client side so I'm unsure what the issue may be. Given my GraphQL script has the following params: api: Object (the one that is always created for GraphQL scripts), title: string, issueId: string, url: string, I am receiving the following issue when trying to call it via path from my TS script:...

Database migration error during upgrade

Hello! I'm trying to upgrade to 1.293.1 (CE) from v1.237.0 During startup, windmill fails with this error: ```...
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OpenAI Function Calling with Windmill Actions

Hi, I'm setting up scripts that to make use of OpenAI's function calling API. At this time I'm defining all functions and their behavior in one single script, but was wondering if it would be possible to fetch and execute Windmill Actions (Scripts) within the TS script in which I'm using the OpenAI function calling API. This would open up a lot of possibilities to set up flows and automations that select from a variety of workspace actions relevant to my use-cases....

Connect to AWS from Windmill Agent installed in e2 instancs running on Ubuntu.

Hi Everyone, I am new to windmill and i would like to get some assistance on how to connect to aws from windmill agent installed in an ubuntu ec2 instance. Any help would be great....

Syncing Resource Types

I have self-hosted Windmill set up locally. I am trying to integrate with Supabase, among other things. When I go to "Add a Resource", I do not see any resource types. Under "Others" I see the message "Resource Types have not been synced with the hub. Go to the admins workspace to sync them (and add a schedule to do daily)." I am a little unclear on what I am supposed to do here and was unable to locate any helpful documentation. I do not see anything in the admin workspace for syncing resource types. Any guidance would be appreciated....

AgGrid - rowGroup (columnDef)

I'm trying to define a column with
rowGroup: true
rowGroup: true
but it's not displaying grouped. I wanted to confirm that the property is being read in the component and if I can use any AgGrid column definition....

AMI in Terraform template doesn't exist

The Terraform template: Contains an AMI: ami-09c0b8e7f21923ac0 but the AMI does not exist Specifically on this line: ``` Error: creating Auto Scaling Group (windmill-cluster-asg): ValidationError: You must use a valid fully-formed launch template. The image id '[ami-09c0b8e7f21923ac0]' does not exist...

Error when trying to deploy a script from one environment to another

Hi, We're working with Windmill EE v1.281.3 and have 3 environment (dev, staging, production). I'm currently facing an issue when trying to deploy some script from dev to staging ...
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Sending email with SMTP and Deno, with InReplyTo headers failing

It seems that currently it's not possible to send emails using denomailer with InReplyTo headers, as it chockes on the in in the header name. Any other ideas as to how I should do sending email? I'm using the following code currently, or trying to:...

postgres sql bind varaiables

select now() - interval '$1' as end is there a way to get $1 to work...
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Whitelisting IPs correctly for RDS proxy connection?

Is there anything obviously wrong with these configs? I have an almost identical setup for an RDS database that's internet accessible without a proxy with no issues, so my suspicion is that I'm doing IP whitelisting incorrectly or something.
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A way to give more space between condition branch?

Hello, I made a big flow. But it's very difficult to see what is what in. Windmill have an option who help to identify each branch in this case? Like a color, or by giving more space for each branch
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did you guys look into dlt?

Support for alternative OpenAI base URLs (Azure OpenAI service)

Is there support for changing the base URL for OpenAI integration? I'm not seeing it in the UI, but maybe it's somewhere else.

GraphQL schema length causes token limit to be exceeded

Hi, I'm trying to write GraphQL queries via GPT-4 code generation but run into an issue caused by the size of the GraphQL schema (from Linear) that is automatically used as context in the prompt. The size of the GraphQL schema bloats the prompt, resulting in a token size of is 138134 tokens, thereby exceeding the GPT-4 12k token limit. Any ideas how the context size can be adjusted?...

Playwright timeout error

I'm facing playwright timeout on the self-hosted windmill. It works fine on my local machine and also on the VPS. I used page.screenshot() to get a screenshot of the page and it's fully loaded but I still get the timeout error.