Stepper Component Event Handlers
Trace telemetry propagation from azure app insights
Multiple tables with rich display rendering
How to hide a job in the runs history?
Remote script run
Is there any way to invalidate cache of a flow/script
logging on self-hosted
Evaluating Windmill for a multi-tenancy usecase
Cannot paste text in Windmill preview in VSCode
is not working in the preview panel of VSCode using the Windmill extension.Error when calling a bun script using `wmill.runScript`
as a dependency. The script is working as expected when calling it directly through the windmill cloud UI.
But now I try to create a second script, written in TS, and call the first script using
```js...Unauthorized Tasks?
I keep getting an error that says that the psycopg2 python module doesn't exist when i run code
Proxy for external Internet access ignored
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'fd')
wmill workspace add defaultwp 'default-workpsace' ''
I confirm my server still running wel and api working fine too
? How do you want to login › Browser
const listener = new Listener_js_1.Listener(server._handle.fd, {...windmill app -> next.js app
Sporadic "Flow result by id in leaf jobs not found at name ..." errors
InternalErr: Error during isolated evaluation of expression
Not found: Flow result by id in leaf jobs not found at name 0191c7b0-0567-020f-02b5-872fbd9297a1, a...u/admin/hub_sync ExecutionErr
Unable to sync resources with hub on new install
playwright chromium could not be successfully closed