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Kicking tires. Where are the script source files located in the local file system?

I tried to run a local executable and the windmill script did not find it; neither bash nor ptyhon. I provided full path. (running in docker, on mac)

admin context

Hello, how can i know if the user viewing an app created by a developer is a superadmin/admin. In app builders context i am not getting any such values that can diffrentiate between normal users and admins....

How to control a Database studio component using an external button

I'm trying to make the "Add row" button function such that when I press it, a new row gets added to the database studio. How exactly do i reference the database studio in an inscript? Or how exactly do i proceed to achieve this? Sorry I'm very new to Windmill. Thanks.
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Form State Resets on Tab Changes

I’ve encountered an issue where form fields within tabs lose their content when switching tabs. Interestingly, standard input fields (not wrapped in forms) within tabs retain their values correctly. It seems that the reset behavior specifically affects forms within the tab structure. Is this an intended feature or a known limitation in Windmill? If so, could anyone advise on best practices to maintain form state across tab switches? Any guidance or workarounds would be helpful. For now, I’ve implemented a workaround by storing the form values in the state on change and connecting this state to the default values of the form. This approach works for most input types, but I’ve noticed that date selection fields are not able to use the stored values as default values, unlike other input types....

[Solved] Browser automation self-hosted: python example for initial login

i have a use case where i need to login to substack manually using my username and password. then followed by my TOTP MFA code. once that's done, i want the rest of the browser automation take over in terms of downloading invoices. I found but the examples are all not python....

Escape the prompt field in order to insert previous result in to to body of an OpenAI Completion?

Hi, hoping someone can provide a quick pointer. I'm trying to send a bit of JSON to a Completions model to get a text summary, but I can't seem to escape the field. Any hints?
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Is it possible to make a form field read-only?

This would be helpful for immutable data values like row id's, etc. In the pictured example, both the fields "etld" and "etld_id" are immutable but the SQL query relies on the etld_id to make the update. If I could easily set readonly="true" on these fields it would be great. Note: Although I realize can put the values on the page as text/html, having them as form values is easier and the user can take advantage of the auto-generated UI....
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Install modules and packages offline

Hey, ive been wondering what the easiest workflow is to host python and bun scripts in an offline environment.

After upgrading windmill, we are now seeing this error "string too long to represent as jsonb string

This is a new error after upgrading. Although we were many versions behind, there weren't any breaking changes listed. Some of the job which used to run successfully, now run into this error "string too long to represent as jsonb string". I am pretty sure this is a Postgres issue but unsure why it now starting showing up. Any guidance would be appreciated

Bun cache missing windmill-client

One of my flows started suddenly failing with the following error: ``` job=0190e46d-49f3-598f-e238-e13b0d595088 tag=bun worker=wk-default-eb4f47c94407-YMYN2 hostname=eb4f47c94407 skipping install, using cached buntar based on lockfile hash: xb6AgX-a-bSr6dsMtfSbyDy0oxGu0XSg7uiNtNx4HTs=...

Input types validation via webhook

Is the JSON input sent via webhook validated against types defined in the script? Because I cannot find this in the docs and from my tests it is not.

logs disappearing

i updated recently and this flow i am running shows logs for a split second before they disappear and say "No logs are available yet". As a new line is printed it shows for a split second and then it goes back to saying "No logs are available yet"
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Local worker on cloud version

can i run a worker locally (on prem) when using the cloud version? I need to access local servers that are not exposed to the internet.

Color Picker and dynamic css

Hello, 1) In App builder i want to use a color picker component which will return hash value '#fff', i didnt find any component like this, is this available in windmill app builder? 2) I want to use dynamic styling for my app to add theme functionality, however i only see that it can be done with tailwind classes only, is there any way to do it with hash color coding. as i want to take theme from first use case and style my app with it...

`ApiError: Internal Server Error` when writing a 2MB csv file

Using the wmill.writeS3File function to write a small csv file from ~20k lines and it seems to give this error. ``` ApiError: Internal Server Error ApiError: Internal Server Error at catchErrorCodes (file:///tmp/windmill/cache/deno/npm/

PHP scripts are slow to run

I have a relatively simple PHP script with a single Composer dependency as a part of a bigger flow that runs often, and its runtime dominates the entire flow, taking >0.6s to complete. It appears that Windmill installs the dependency every time it runs, which would be my guess why it takes so long. Is there a way to make Windmill cache it?...

User-Defined Dropdown Menus: Propagating Options Across All Rows

Hello! I'd like to implement user-created dropdown menus (select items) in a specific row, and then have those same dropdown options available in all other rows of the same column. I've thought about saving the output of the select component (last created item) in a list and using that list as an input of the select items but I can't find a way to store the list in the app state. Thanks!...

Use forms created from app builder

Hello, how do i use forms or any ui created from app builder outside of windmill. i want to use forms created in my current react project, running on a diffrent server,domain

Aggregate functions unsupported type MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL

Hello, when I try to use aggregate functions in my sql queries, Windmill returns the query result as "unsupported type MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL". So a simple example would be a query like "SELECT SUM(Revenue) FROM Orders;". So far I have been using a work around and casting: "SELECT CAST(SUM(Revenue) AS UNSIGNED) FROM Orders;", however this does not seem to work for more complex queries, for example when trying to calculate with two SUM values. Any advice on this? Thanks

how do I use the result of the last step of a for loop in the next iteration?

I have read and re-read the docs, asked AI, etc. It seems like it should be so obvious, but I can't pass a value from the last step in a for loop's iteration to the first step in the next iteration. I was using flow state, but that doesn't work in a dedicated worker. What am I missing?...